1 Samuel

Types of Anointing


Anointing generally refers to the act of pouring or smearing oil on someone or something, often as part of a religious or ceremonial ritual. Here are a few contexts in which anointing is used:

There are multiple types of anointing, including: 

  1. Priestly anointing: Consecrates someone for religious service 
It is a public ceremony that sets someone apart for service to God. It involves Exodus 29:76 Put the turban on his head and attach the sacred emblem to the turban. 7 Take the anointing oil and anoint him by pouring it on his head. 
It is a significant process that:

  •  Makes the priest holy unto God
  •  Shows that the priest is set apart for holy service
  •  Connotes the ideas of holiness and cleansing
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2. Prophetic anointing: Gives the power to speak God’s message

It  is a supernatural ability from the Holy Spirit that allows a person to speak God’s thoughts in a way that goes beyond natural understanding. It’s also a way to live in the presence of God and fulfill God’s purpose for a person’s life. Some say that the prophetic anointing can include: Vision in the Spirit, Revelation truth, Wisdom for life, Power over demons, and Liberty for captives.

To develop this, a person should:

  • Spend time with God
  • Ask God to speak to them
  • Live a life of consecration, prayer, and fasting
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3. Kingly anointing: Designates leadership

4. Inner anointing: For one’s walk

it is a spiritual concept that refers to the presence of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life and the divine elements that are added to a person inner being. It’s a way for God to teach people and make his intentions known. It is a permanent abiding anointing, and the Spirit of God will continue to strive and to work in you to deal with that sin. 

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5. Outer anointing: For one’s work

It is a gift from God that comes upon a person to fulfil a specific task. It can be received through desperation, association, or impartation, and is often the result of a visitation from God or an impartation from men of God

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6. Ruth anointing: For women

Women with the it are diligent, faithful, patient, and hardworking, looking to the promises of God set before them. No matter what is happening in their lives, they do not shut down; they get to work. They do not give in to a lazy and slothful spirit. 

7. Deborah anointing: For women

The Old Testament describes Deborah as a mighty combination of judge, intercessor, prophetess, mother of Israel, and military strategist. Deborah broke outside of her culture-not out of rebellion, but in obedience to God to set her people free. God used her to deliver His messages to the people. Deborah stood in the council of the Lord and heard and perceived His word for a generation. She heard and released God’s heart and mind to the children of Israel in a time when no one else could hear His voice

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8. Anna anointing: For women

God released grace upon Anna to fast and pray unto the revelation of Jesus to the earth the first time. God is releasing a similar grace upon a whole generation of women who will operate in a similar anointing as Anna’s unto the revelation of Jesus to the earth in His second coming.

9. Davidic anointing: For musical instruments

It is a pastoral grace, not just a music anointing. God wants you to have the heart of a shepherd. It was not really in David’s own territory that the anointing of his harp drove away evil, but in the house of Saul! In the place where the Spirit of the Lord had departed was where the anointing was the most powerful. For as long as David played on his harp, King Saul was free from tormenting spirits. (1 Sam. 16:23). That gives hope to any God-called musician in any church or place on earth! You may not have to leave where you are. You may just get to drive the devil out of that place

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